Sunday, 16 October 2011

Call Of Duty Black Ops (BO)

Call Of Duty Black Ops

Black Ops Tips:

1.Create a class:

1.1 Firstly, Black Ops is a bit different from the other Call of Duty games. Instead of working for your gun attachments, perks and so on, in Call of Duty Black Ops you must earn money (Cod Points) to buy things.

1.2 As you probably know, you unlock 'Create a class' at level 4.
The first things I would buy are some perks, mainly because weapon attachments aren't needed early on.
The first perks you should buy once you have the money are:
Sleight of hand
Flack jacket
Marathon or ninja
These 3 perks are essential for almost any game type.

1.3 Once you have bought the perks you need, you can then start buying weapon attachments.
Now choose the best weapon attachments for the main game type you play.
For example:
If you play search and destroy alot, like me, then you should go with the silencer attachment. If you play other game types, like team deathmatch, domination, headquarters, ground war, or any other game type in which you have more than 1 life, then you should go with dual mag, extended mag, etc.

2. How to level up faster:

I get asked this question alot "How do you level up so fast"?
Now, there isn't really any secret or anything like that, it all depends what your best game type is.
If you go into "leaderboards", flick through the different game types you play, and look at where it says "score per minute" then you can check which is the highest.
My highest "score per minute" is in Search and Destroy - therefore, that's the game type I tend to play.

3. How to stay alive:

When I started playing Call of Duty, I always stayed with the more experienced players. IT HELPS. Another good tip is to camp in corners with the ghost perk.
Just be aware that people HATE campers in Call of Duty, so try not to camp too much.
You can tell which players are more experienced by looking at the level next to their name and the icon next to their level.

Prestige Mode

1. How to unlock:

To unlock Prestige Mode you must reach the highest level possible (Level 50).
Once you reach level 50 you must level up once more, but you will still stay at level 50, that last level up is when you unlock Prestige Mode.

2. What is Prestige Mode?

Prestige Mode is a higher rank, so if you enter Prestige Mode you will go back to level 1, lose all your weapons and attachments and all your perks, but you will keep all your stats, emblems and whatever titles you've unlocked.
Once you have Prestiged, your icon will change, and you will unlock various things each time you Prestige.
These are the Black Ops Prestige symbols:


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